Until my undetectable extermination, I stand alone against the mad, deadly, wrldwide conspiratorial gangster computer communist god with wall-to-wall deadly gangster protection, life-long sworn conspurators, Murder Incorporated, organized crime, the police and the judges, the deadly sneak parroting puppet gangsters using all the gangster deadly phalic frankenstein egregores. These hangmanrope sneak deadly gangsters, the judges and police, trick, tap, rob, wreck, murder and butcher the people to keep them terrorized in gangster frankenstein earphone radio slavery for the communist gangster government and con-artist demi-fiends working in secret to maintain a closed-society. The same worldwide mad deadly gangster communist computer god that controls YOU as a terrorized earphone radio 4-billion eyed slave.

You are a living, thinking, proof of the deadly worldwide computer god secret overall plan: WORLDWIDE LIVING DEATH TO ALL NETIZENS to explore and control the entire universe with endless "STAIRWAY TO THE STARS", namely manmade inside-out planets with nuclear powered speeds much faster than the speed of light! Look up and see the gangster computer god concocted NEW FAKE STARRY SKY! The worldwide completely controlled deadly degenerative climate and atmosphere through the new world around translucent exotic gaseous envelope which the worldwide communist gangster computer god MANIPULATES through countless exactly pointed satellites; THE NEW PHONY STARS IN THE SYNTHETIC SKY

Several months ago I witnessed an event which proved to me that there are supernatural forces in the world which are affecting our lives, and who have dominion over our banks, our courts, our telephones and our postal service. I was held against my will by the communists and demi-fiends that lurk in the shadows, they tortured me for five days and beat me bloody. The world-state is only months away, as power consolidates and the demons and egregores decide to claim the earth for their dark and wicked purposes. If you still cannot see the truth, then take me outside and put a bullet in my skull. But you, and the psychophants and the phalic frankensteins will never find me. I've hidden myself away in a place where sunlight never reaches.